Mobile a brand under TRANSSION Holdings has launched its latest Smartphone called the Phantom Z. An interesting and unique feature of the Smartphone is its 8 megapixel front camera which comes with a flash. This enables you to take a selfie clearly even in the dark without the help of a friend. The event which took
centre stage at the prestigious Sheraton Hotel elicited excitement from
consumers as 10 lucky winners won a Phantom Z each. The Phone also comes with a 16 megapixel rear camera and takes you to an application by scribbling the first letter of the app on the screen of the Phone. Continue below to see more features of the affordable high tech Smartphone and pictures from the launch.
The device is powered by Android 4.4 Kitkat OS and set to deliver cutting edge features at retail-friendly price. It includes: a 7.9mm unibody design; a 2GB RAM that can store memory of up to 32GB; an 3030mAH battery that delivers 24 hours of talk time with up to 960 hours of standby time on a 3G network. Its 5.2 inch, 1920x1080p Full HD screen makes use of the latest AMOLED screen technology to ensure high pixel density and high contrast ratio and with anti-scratch and anti-fingerprint surface.
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