Kingsley Okonkwo, a fashion enigma, popularly known as the debut winner of the Star Quest musical talent hunt show alongside his partner presh and commonly known with their group name 'KcPresh' is now the ambassador of the Grant of London brand of wrist watches.
The United Kingdom
based Grant of London brand of wristwatches, designed with an enduring appeal
that infuses a fresh new look alongside top class engineering, recently, made
its debut into the Nigerian market after months of anticipation.
At the formal unveiling
ceremony/product launch which took place at the Oceanview Restaurant in Lagos,
Time-Tell Nigeria Ltd, the sole partner and distributor of Grant of London
wristwatches in Nigeria and West-Africa, speaking through its Managing
Director, Mrs. Uju Abdulkadir, described the brand's entrant into Nigeria as
stemming from the fact that a large number of Nigerians are fully discerning
and fashion conscious people.
She added that apart from the watches being
appropriately priced, they are also very stylish in terms of design and durability.
In her words, "the brand stands for originality and functionality, these
watches are the epitome of classical styling. They are superbly engineered with
either metal or leather straps with attractive, eye catching designs for both
men and women"
Also the founder of the
brand, Mr. Michael Grant, who was physically absent at the unveiling ceremony
but took part in the event via video messaging, said that he was very excited
about the brand coming in to make a difference in West-Africa. Mr. Grant stressed
that the brand which has been making watches for over 30 years, most
importantly, takes the issue of quality into great detail in every of its
The Grant of London
Wristwatch was unveiled by the Chief Brand Strategist, SMP Communications, Mr. Ugo
Ogoke in company of singing sensation and recently gone solo artiste, Kingsley
Okonkwo, popularly known as K.C of the former K.C/Presh singing group.
On the choice of
Kingsley Okonkwo as the brand ambassador, the management of Time-Tell Ltd
pointed out that apart from the artiste's singing prowess which catapulted him
to stardom, Kingsley is also a fashion icon whose personality suits what the
brand stands for.
The Grant of London
brand of watches, draw on the UK’s great maritime and aviation heritage for
their inspiration. Taking strong industrial design in the British tradition as
its starting point, the company has drawn on its impeccable watch-making
credentials to create a range of classically-styled designer watches with
lasting appeal. Sleek, simple and effortlessly chic, the brand was Highly
Commended in the 2007 national ‘Gift of the Year’ Awards.
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